Travel Ideas: Day Trips Around Austin,Texas
This very isolated place called Lost Maples Natural Area is located in Texas hill country about one hour drive from San Antonio. Why it is called Lost Maples? Because no where in Texas we see so many Maple Trees in such a vast density. But here in Lost Maples Natural area about 2000 acre land is covered with Big Tooth Maples ,Walnuts and Cherry trees that take really beautiful red and yellow color during fall. Travel Ideas: Fall Colors in Arkansas
Read More: Nature Resort in Texas Hill Country: Canyon of the Eagles

Usually Lost Maples area starts changing color between early October through mid-November. Its bright red foliage is comparable with that of New England fall foliage.
Sabinal river passes through the park and its clear water flowing over the white limestone looks very beautiful. There are many miles of wooded hiking trails along the river and every mile is worth the effort. Fishing is free in all Texas State Parks. Once you have paid park entrance fee, you do not need any license or do not need to pay any fishing fees. You can also purchase Texas State Park Pass and entry is free to all State Parks in Texas.
One thing though, since this park is not very huge it gets very crowded during fall. So get there very early. Park has only 250 parking spots. So if your schedule permits, visit Lost Maples Natural Area during the week days. There are very beautiful cabins available for rent in the surrounding area for overnight stay.

Garner State Park only 45 miles from Lost Maples Park and there also you will find many lodging options. You may decide to stay at Garner State Park and drive to Lost Maples in early morning. There is another very beautiful river Frio flowing through Garner State Park. That is also so clean that you can see the bottom of the river. Garner State Park is most famous park in Texas for weekend stay and park has amazing view of Texas Hill Country.